Expo2020 Dubai is the universal exhibition starting in October 2020, in the futuristic metropolis of Dubai, capital of the homonymous emirate, one of the seven that make up the host state of the United Arab Emirates.
As for the other universal exhibitions, of which we all surely remember the last one held in Italy, in Milan, it will be an impressive intercontinental exhibition: in effect, an incredible number of nations, representing each continent, will take part in the fair.
Each host State will be given a pavilion to manage, organizing the events that will take place there throughout all the Expo2020 Dubai. In addition to the national pavilions, there will be thematic ones, managed by the organizing country and inherent to the topic covered by the event.
Each of the structures built for the event will be a jewel, designed by the most famous architects, and the entire Expo area will become a wonderland: an open-air work of art to be visited and immortalized.
It will be a unique, historical event: it is the first universal exhibition to be hosted by an Arab country. The date of Expo2020 Dubai also overlaps with the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Arab Emirates, the so-called "golden jubilee".
Where Expo2020 will take place
Expo2020 Dubai will take place in a newly built exhibition area, the Dubai Trade Center. The exhibition center is located in a strategic area, just next to the new Al Maktoum International Airport, making it extremely easy for visitors and tourists to arrive. The Expo2020 site is also located halfway between the Emirates capitals of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, where the other major United Arab Emirates airport is located.
This is an area of about 400 hectares of land, which develops from a central square, called Al Wasl, the ancient toponym of Dubai, which in Arabic means "connection". Connection, the latter, which is also the theme of Expo2020 Dubai: "connecting minds, creating the future".
Which is the theme of Expo2020 Dubai
The theme of Expo2020 Dubai is the cultural connection as the generating force of the future, expressed in the "connecting minds, creating the future" formula. The concept is the following: energy resources as we know them now are perishable and limited, think for example of oil. It is therefore necessary to find new forms of sustainable energy capable of ensuring a future for the next generations, and what better force than the collaboration between human beings: the feeling of humanity, therefore, integration, the combination of resources as a true resource capable of supporting and generating a better future.
The connection of people, of ideas, as a heart, as a sprout from which the flowers of a sustainable present can blossom, therefore the seeds of the near future; the structure itself designed for Expo2020 Dubai, in effect, is that of a flower, as is the logo.
The theme of the connection also refers to the national feature of the host country of the exhibition: the enormous growth of the Emirate State is due not only to the presence of oil deposits in the territory, but also to the aggregation spirit of each of the 7 emirates that make up the confederation.
Starting from the main theme concerning the connection, the exhibition fair is divided into 3 main sub-themes: Opportunities, Sustainability and Mobility. Opportunities as a chance to create new forms of operational links, functional to the development and progress of the global community. Sustainability as an international project of an economy able to provide a solid basis for the common future. Mobility as the formation of new communicative outlets, instrumental to a trade and to a society that day by day goes beyond those that are not only national but also personal boundaries.
How Expo2020 Dubai will be structured
The project conceived for Expo2020 Dubai foresees a development around the central square Al Wasl. The square is conceived as the center of a large flower, to which the 3 macro-areas dedicated to the exposition sub-themes connect, namely Opportunities, Sustainability and Mobility, just like petals forming a corolla.
The flower refers both to the concept of interconnection between the 7 member states of the United Arab Emirates, and to their connection with the rest of the world.
Each of the three macroarea pavilions, is in turn structured as a characteristic Arab souk, a market area: the conceptual reference in this case is to the folk tradition and to commerce as a place of social connection. Into each petal there will be a Best Practice area dedicated to the sub-theme related to the pavilion. Also within the three main slots you will find: the welcome pavilion, the United Arab Emirates pavilion and the innovation pavilion. Furthermore, the flower symbolizes prosperity, which bodes well for the future.
Outside the three petals, we find all the participating national pavilions, arranged along avenues covered by special curtains able to exploit photovoltaic energy to generate up to 50% of the energy required for the exhibition: on the other hand, one of the sub-themes of the event is sustainability.
What to see at Expo2020 Dubai
The project of Expo2020 Dubai is well defined, but on the various architectures of the pavilions and their contents there is still confidentiality: however, some interesting advances are available. For example, we already know that the United Arab Emirates exhibition area will be built under the supervision of the great architect Frank Gehry, and will have the shape of a hawk.
We have already spoken of the central structure reminiscent of a flower; for the more curious, on the official website www.expo2020dubai.com, you can already see some images of the project. Moreover, the various participating nations have already provided some indiscretions regarding the conceptual content of their pavilions.
The Italian project, for example, will have an ideal continuity with the speech carried out at the last Expo, held in Milan. Switzerland, on the other hand, will embrace the theme of sustainability, which is very much felt at home, and in its structural form will remind the tent of a nomadic Bedouin camp, in which a sort of walk immersed in the alpine climate will unfold. Still within the thematic area of sustainability, Germany will instead build one of the largest exhibition pavilions, around 4.5 square kilometers. The Netherlands, on the other hand, will participate in the issue of mobility, submitting the link between energy and food to public attention. The United States will also dedicate their pavilion to the same topic, emphasizing the innovative American progress faced with regard to social and commercial mobility.
Among the projects that will be realized for Expo2020 Dubai is the realization of the tallest skyscraper in the world, able to exceed the 828 meters of the giant Burj Khalifa, also in Dubai. Set in the context of the Creek Harbor, in the midst of other skyscrapers, the colossal building will stand out in a prominent position. The tower, in fact, designed by the archistar Santiago Calatrava, will have the form of a sail. Supported by an impressive system of tie rods, with a pointed spire silhouetted towards the sky, it will emerge diversifying with respect to the other ordinary skyscrapers that surround it.
Another project under construction is the so-called City of Aladino, an almost Disney-like residential and commercial complex, inspired by the famous lamp of the Thousand and One Nights. A huge palace in the shape of a frame, 150 meters high and 100 meters long, is also in the works, as if to frame the skyline of the modern city of Dubai.
For shopaholics, it must be borne in mind that Dubai is the second destination for shopping after London. The largest mall in the world, called the Mall of the world, will also be built. Is also in the pipeline an ultra-fast train built by Hyperloop, the company of visionary entrepreneur Elon Musk, able to connect Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which will be able to cover a total of 157 km in just 12 minutes. Given the possibility of reaching the other emirate's capital in such a short time, it will also be possible to visit the brand new Guggenheim headquarters designed by Frank Gehry, which will open in Abu Dhabi, as well as the detached pole of the Louvre in Paris, designed by Jean Nouvel.